It's one of those phrases - you hear it, and in a nanosecond recognize an essential truth, and then in the next wonder why you never understood something so simply profound before. Some people have the knack of saying just what you need to hear at the time. Joeann Fossland is such a person.
If you're not involved in real estate you may not know of Joeann, but take the time now to meet her. Go to her website,, where she promises Relaxed Real Estate for Magnificent Agents through coaching, speaking, and a variety of services. Be sure to read her bio. You'll learn about a fascinating lady with a zest and appreciation for life that is infectious. She’s lived several lives in her one so far, and someday I want to spend an evening just listening to the wonderful stories I’m sure she has to share.
I met Joeann just about a month ago through my good friend and Realtor® extraordinaire, Margaret Rome. We had little time to chat, but I immediately felt that Joeann is giving and caring with the openness that lights the world. If she didn't live in Arizona, I'd be buying her lunch at least once a month just to get a shot of that positive energy.
Joeann helps real estate professionals improve their businesses and their lives. She describes her blog as "Resources, articles and thoughts on being awesomely productive and creative while enjoying a life you love!" What else could you want?