I Blog For You

Saturday, November 03, 2007


The reality is...this is one blog too many. Obviously, I haven't been keeping it up. And I'm the one who tells everyone that a blog that is not updated is worse than useless! Time to listen to my own advice.

My business is going in a new direction, and while blogging will still be important, this one has to go dark.

Thanks for reading. I hope you'll visit my personal blog, The PegBoard.


Sunday, May 20, 2007

Oh, No...Say It Ain't So!

Writers all over the country and perhaps the world are today mourning the loss of the Snark. No, she's not left this life, only the blogosphere, but that's bad enough. Miss Snark has been part of my "start the day" routine for more than a year. With a balance of honesty, humor, and snarkiness, this literary agent set many writers straight on the world of publishing. Her clue gun was merciless when trained upon a nitwit. Yet beneath the crusty exterior of stiletto heels and ever sloshing gin pail, we knew there was a caring soul who wanted writers to succeed. Her passion for George Clooney was matched by her passion for dishing out frank advice.

Her blog went dark today after two years and some two million hits. She is leaving it up so that future snarklings can troll through the archives and still find her wisdom. Killer Yapp is licking up the last of the gin as her cry fades one last time..."Write well!"

Thanks, Miss Snark.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

Who Was That Man With the Wild Hair?

Washington, D.C.'s Metro riders had an unexpected – and unrecognized – treat one morning in January. In the L'Enfant Plaza Station, as thousands of government workers and contractors streamed by on their morning commute, a street musician laid down his violin case, picked up his instrument and bow, and began a serenade. He played classical music for three-quarters of an hour, collected some decent tips, then packed up and left.

What the commuters didn't know, and only one in over 1,000 recognized, was that they had a free concert from the matinee idol of violinists. A few days before he had packed them in at Boston's symphony hall to the tune of $100 and more a ticket. Soon after his incognito appearance in the Metro station, he left for a tour of European capitals. But this morning he was part of a Washington Post experiment that proved once again that we see and hear what we expect to.

Who was that man in jeans and a Washington Nationals baseball cap? And could he make it as a street musician? Read the story and find out. Watch the short videos for the sound of his music. You'll find yourself shaking your head and wondering if you, too, would have walked past the virtuoso of the subway.

Thanks to Miss Snark for the link to the article.

**Spoiler Alert: His name revealed below for those who just can't wait.**

The man with the wild hair and the $3.5 million violin was…Joshua Bell

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Poynting the Way

There must be as many morning routines as there are people, from the traditional coffee blast to the contemplative tai chi moves. There are morning people; those annoying types who can form full, coherent sentences within ten minutes of awakening. And there are the ones who ease into the day allowing it to unfold as it will, a gift to be unwrapped slowly and savored.

Most weekdays I find that Al Poynter is a good guy to wake up with. He sends me "Al's Morning Meeting," an email newsletter full of interesting stuff served up in bite-sized pieces. Sort of like tapas for the mind, the writing is fresh and accessible. Usually he has two or three topics and includes copious links that snare the unwary information junkie.

Today it's just one story, a profile of a retiring newsman with a knack for storytelling. Normally I would say, "that's interesting" and move on, but the links were too intriguing to ignore – they promised critters and nature stories. This story of a man, a dog, and a Canada goose named Daisy will take you away from whatever has your blood pressure rising. I guarantee you'll get not only a smile but also one of those magically quiet "wow" moments that will smooth out your day.

After you've seen the video, go to Poynter's site and sign up for the newsletter. Your mornings will be brighter and your brain will thank you.

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Let's Hear it For Over-Achievers

This story is so full of wonderful visual images: an eagle with aspirations that exceed his talons' strength and wing lifting capacity. Sadly he didn't live to tell his grand-eagles about the day he scored a major trophy, but I love that he tried.

And enjoy another tale with a better ending, so far. Shot, refrigerated, and revived during surgery...that's one tough duck.

Here's to all the over-achievers, whether winged or finned or furred or human. You've got to love 'em.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

She's Got Grammar and It's a Hit

This does my heart good – to learn that a grammar geek has a highly rated podcast! With the English language under assault from sloppy emails and text message abbreviations, the thought that someone could have a hit with grammar is delightful. A few years ago it was the book "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" that grabbed attention. Now it is Mignon Fogarty and her "Grammar Girl's Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing."

As CNN reports, "The show is currently the 47th most popular podcast on Apple's iTunes service, right behind 'Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day.'" Fogarty says the shows have been downloaded more than 1.3 million times, and have ranked as high as number two on iTunes.

My writer and editor friends are all grinning with me, I'm sure.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Surprise = Laughter

Don't you love it when something small and surprising makes you laugh out loud? That's happened twice for me in the past couple of days. Uncontrived humor gets me every time.

First, I was scanning the Inman News bulletin. Twice a day the latest real estate news appears in my inbox. Endless articles about the housing market in different areas of the country share space with advice on problems and advice on everything from dealing with appraisers to insect infestations (yuck). There's a blog, of course, and I usually scroll quickly through the most recent posts. Here's what - or who - stopped me this time: Lt. Worf. Seems a Silicon Valley real estate brokerage is doing everything they can to accommodate their clients whatever their origin. Besting every other broker around, they employ agents who speak a world of languages - including Klingon. K'plah!

And then there was the koala baby. The Tokyo Zoo introduced its baby koalas to the public on December 20. The babies are clingy and adorable, of course. But watch the brief Reuters video and you'll see a furry headlock that had me hooting. Fuzzy and funny - an unbeatable combination.

So what made you laugh today?