I Blog For You

Monday, July 17, 2006

Fluff Enough?

There are some days when you just need a good helping of fluff. Morning traffic was horrendous, the Internet connection is down, and your hard drive is acting flaky. You need a break. And nothing is better at lowering your blood pressure than a photo that makes you say “Awww….”

For me, Tai Shan will do it just about every time. But there are days when even his royal cuteness is not enough, so for those I have links that are guaranteed to soothe. But be warned: these can be addictive, and people susceptible to excessive sweetness would be wise to limit their exposure.

Tai Shan the Giant Panda Cub at the National Zoo: http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/GiantPandas/

Cute Overload – the name says it all: http://cuteoverload.com/

Panda Pix - for those still hungry after Tai Shan: http://www.pandafix.com/

Baby Animalz – a gallery of cuties: http://www.babyanimalz.com/

Animal Cameras - Live animal web cams galore: http://www.animalcameras.com/

Dognabbit – For the dog lovers: http://www.dognabbit.blogspot.com/

Blogging Cat – For cats and their staff: http://www.angelfire.com/folk/morgan/catblog/

PsychoKitty – one of many cat-written blogs: http://psychokitty.blogspot.com/
Get on any of these and follow the links they offer for endless catitude.

OK, I’ve spent way too long researching this subject. You’re on your own, and remember my warning about addiction. Set a timer to drag you back or you’ll be lost for the day!


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