I Blog For You

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Are You a Publicity Hound?

A couple of years ago some good friend turned me on to The Publicity Hound. Joan Stewart is a publicity expert who has a free weekly newsletter loaded with tips for gaining free publicity. That’s my price range for sure! A while ago, she started a blog to go along with her web site and ezine, and it’s joined my daily feed list. If you read her regularly, you’ll find that you start recognizing when a publicity or PR technique is smart, stupid, or just plain off target.

Joan has a few pet peeves that come through regularly, and I’m with her on thinking that photos of smiling people holding up an oversized check, or wearing hard hats and holding shovels, are deadly dull. The difference is that The Publicity Hound offers alternatives that make sense, and get you started thinking about new ways to promote your own business or event.

Recently Joan started an 89-day tutorial, "89 Ways to Write Powerful Press Releases." Every day there’s a new email and a quick-read tip to improve how you write and distribute press releases to not only journalists but also potential customers. Like the ezine, it’s free, and I’m looking forward to following through on some of her suggestions.

Check it out for yourself. If you need help promoting your business, charity, book, or professional service, The Publicity Hound has plenty of ideas to get you going in the right direction.


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